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JV and Varsity Volleyball is offered in the fall to girls. Zachary Stroup. Site contents Copyright © 2012-2023 K12 Systems, Inc. Completely fill out and submit the online registration form. Click Here for More Information. Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations; Athletic Forms; Athletic Staff;. Assistant FR/8th Grade Coaches: Mr. If this is your first time accessing the online registration system, you will need to create an account. The Portal is made available to all parents and school district employees and. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. Bermudian Springs School District Redirecting to your SSO provider. Director of Innovation. April Breakfast Menu Elementary School. Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations; Athletic Forms; Athletic Staff; Athletic Teams Info;. Parents. Mr. Bermudian Springs School District works with Substitute Teacher Service to fulfill our substitute teacher needs. I Registered - But I Can't Remember the Date/Time | Help me find my school or group | I'm Not Receiving Emails | SupportBermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. Bermudian Springs School District. Bermudian Springs School District Sapphire Community Web Portal Instructions 1. Home. Athletic Teams Info Home; Baseball. Staff Directory. 1701. Jennifer Shelley is the Principal of Bermudian Springs Middle School. org. I Registered - But I Can't Remember the Date/Time | Help me find my school or group | I'm Not Receiving Emails | SupportWelcome to Bermudian Springs School District Human Resources. pdf, 194. CROSS COUNTRY. Two servings of grains / breads OR. pdf, 83. Staff Directory. Athletics. Homeless. The general public may attend. orgPage Navigation. Get In Touch 7335 Carlisle Pike , York Springs, PA 17372Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Middle School. orgThe Bermudian Springs School District is committed to the safety of our students, especially when it comes to students using online resources. org. 2750: Administrative Assistant: Deb Sheets-Blasone: [email protected]. Food Services Home; P-EBT ; Online Free/Reduced Application; Responsibility of Parents; Menus; Responsibility of School Food Service; Free and Reduced Lunch Applications (English and En Espanol)Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. . The modules in the Sapphire Suite bring together information from school administrators, teachers, nurses, and office staff, allowing them and parents real-time access to student progress and school information anytime and. Click “Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account" link above and use casd as the application keyword. York Springs, Pennsylvania, United States. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981The Bermudian Springs Eagles Academy provides students residing in the Bermudian Springs School District the opportunity to receive an educational program online, grades K through 12, while having access to the supports that are available to all our students. Donald Spangler. Bermudian Springs School District Bermudian Springs School District Email: Password: Forgot Password?Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations; Athletic Forms; Athletic Staff;. Athletic Physicals. 6th Grade Math and Science. 7335 Carlisle Pike,. Site Construction as per Scope. Welcome to Bermudian Springs!Last Name filter. Users. pdf, 176. Assistant FR/8th Grade Coach : Mrs. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-79812023-2024 District Calendar. org. Bermudian Springs Middle School; AssignmentsShane Hotchkiss has served as the Superintendent of the Bermudian Springs School District in York Springs, Pennsylvania since December of 2011. Registration opens May 1st. Sapphire Software is an internet based, state-of-the-art administrative tool designed by K12 Systems. Registration. The modules in the Sapphire Suite bring together. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. June 5th & 6th 2023. Jonathan Harvey. As a student, she was interested in healthcare as a student athletic trainer for the Varsity Wrestling team. Todd Askins email: [email protected]. TRACK AND FIELD. Head FR Coach: Mr. BSMS Course Guide. Revised Health & Safety Plan. Bermudian Springs COVID Update - January 11, 2021. Justin Peart is the business manager of the Bermudian Springs School District in York Springs, Pennsylvania. Bermudian Springs Live Streams LINKS Northeastern Live Stream LINK Red Lion Live Streams LINK York Tech Live Streams LINK Spring Grove Live Streams LINK Fairfield Live Streams LINK Gettysburg Live Streams LINK Susquehannock Live Streams LINK Dover Live Streams LINK West York Live Streams LINKS Kennard-Dale Live Streams LINK The Bermudian Springs girls' basketball team had just stunned its biggest nemesis, Delone Catholic, by a score of 56-47 in the YAIAA girls' championship game at York County Tech Thursday. Recertification forms are due February 6, 2024. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Bermudian Springs School District. Welcome to the Sapphire Community Portal. Matthew Jenkins. He is a member of Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials and is a registered school business administrator. Toggle Search Input. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. All; Administration Office; District; Elementary; Elementary School; Elementary School High School; High. Mental Health Flyer. Bermudian Springs School District; Home; Parents. Athletics Home. April Breakfast Menu Elementary School. BSMS Student Handbook. Toggle Search Input. 7335 Carlisle Pike. org. Food Services Home; P-EBT ; Online Free/Reduced Application; Responsibility of Parents; Menus; Responsibility of School Food Service; Free and Reduced Lunch Applications (English and En Espanol)1/29/2021. FAQ's - Bermudian Springs Website; Parent Tutorials (Tutoriales Para Padres). Earl (David) Peters email: [email protected]. Menu Nutrition Analysis. Judy Sterling. You may also contact us by email at [email protected]. Click Here for More Information. org. org . Sapphire Application Template. Bermudian Springs School District works with Substitute Teacher Service to fulfill our substitute teacher needs. Athletics. FAQ's - Bermudian Springs Website; Parent Tutorials (Tutoriales Para Padres) AEDY Procedure; Sapphire Community Web Portal; School Safety Resources;. Head Varsity Coach : Mr. Users. Eric Johnson [email protected]. unless otherwise indicated. This site will be utilized to share important information to our community and. Users. Sapphire Community Web Portal; Teachers" BAUM, SAMUEL; BEACHY, MICHAEL; Click “Apply for a Sapphire Community Portal account" link above and use casd as the application keyword. June 5th and 6th, 2023. FR/8th Grade Wrestling is offered to boys in grades 7-9. After you create your account, an email is sent which contains your validation code. Student Lunch Account Balance Refund Form. org. Our District. Abby Hursh. org. $5M to $25M (USD) Headquarters York Springs BERMUDIAN SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT website Learn more Jobs We were not able to detect your location. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations; Athletic Forms; Athletic Staff; Athletic Teams Info;. April Breakfast Menu Elementary School. A limited history of Bermudian Springs team photos can be seen by clicking on the "Team Photos" link to the left and then selecting the year of interest. School Safety Resources. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. VACANT. Bermudian Springs School District Redirecting to your SSO provider. Bermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. Any athletic physical dated June 1, 2023 through January 22, 2024 will also need a Parent/Guardian Recertification Form (Section 7) to update the student athlete's health history. Head Varsity Boys Coach: Mr. All students in grades 5-12 use this platform. The. Bermudian Springs Middle School; HomeLast Name filter. Welcome to Bermudian Springs School District Human Resources. Bermudian Springs Middle School; BSMS NewslettersSapphire Community PortalVirtual Meeting Info. Specifically, the following will take place: Students in Grade K-2 and Grades 5-6 will return for face-to-face instruction Monday through. . Users. Account Creat Guide - Spanish. Please enter the information below. Account Creat Guide - Spanish. Assistant FR/8th Grade Coach: Ms. Athletic Physicals. He has over 15 years of experience in public school business in Pennsylvania. Shane has held the positions of a fourth-grade teacher, eighth-grade reading teacher. Registration opens May 1st. Current Health & Safety Plan. On the Bermudian Springs School website. Go to Bermudian Springs School Website: 2. Parent Tutorials (Tutoriales Para Padres) AEDY Procedure. org. Head Varsity Coach: Mr. 1,287 likes · 11 talking about this · 193 were here. School District: Bermudian. FR/8th Grade Track and Field is offered to both boys and girls. Shelly Moore, Administrative Assistant for Personnel. Nick Storm. Get In Touch 7335 Carlisle Pike , York Springs, PA 17372Middle School. Head Varsity Girls Coach: Mr. You will be redirected to the Community Web Portal Welcome page, then selectCreate aSapphire Community Portal account, located beneaththe login area. org . You must enter that code here to verify your email address. Aug 2019 - Present3 years 11 months. Daniel Dull. Wednesdays- 9:00am-10:30pm. Pre-school Transition Meetings for students who will be school age by September 1, will be conducted at Bermudian Springs Elementary School before the end of January, by invitation. Jessica Decker. SAPPHIRE PARENT NOTIFICATION- NEW. Judy has been with the district since July 2009. Email:Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations;. Comments (-1). Home. Varsity Wrestling is offered to boys in grades. You can browse through all 9 jobs BERMUDIAN SPRINGS SCHOOL DISTRICT has to offer Custodian York Springs, PA 30+ days ago View job Support Staff Substitutes York Springs, PA 30+ days ago Bermudian Springs School District Preparing for the Future, Today. Varsity Jackets; Community & Alumni" ARP ESSER; Community & Alumni; Translate. 7335 Carlisle Pike. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Sapphire; Staff Portal; United Streaming; New App Request; Athletics" Athletics Home; Athletic Affiliations; Athletic Forms; Athletic Staff; Athletic Teams Info;. Bermudian Springs Middle School; WelcomeADULT EDUCATION PROGRAM. Brian Booher is in his first year as Director of Special Education at Bermudian Springs School District. Melissa Wagner Email: [email protected]. Head FR/8th Grade Coach: Mr. PSSA/Keystone: Important Parent Information. Phone: 717-528-5102. Schoolcafe. The Sapphire Community Web Portal ('Portal') is intended to provide a safe and secure environment for the Bermudian Springs School District community to communicate easily and effectively with parents, students and school district employees in the information age. . Head Varsity Coach: Mrs. He received his Master’s Degree in Educational Development and Strategies as well as his K-12. GIRLS BASKETBALL. Bermudian Springs School District; Team Photos ; 2007- 2008; Team Photos. Bermudian Springs School District is providing the links for the convenience of the users of the Bermudian Springs School District website. org: Douglas L. Eric Johnson. CREATE A COMMUNITY PORTAL ACCOUNT: Parents of current school year students may sign up for a new portal account by clicking the “Create a Sapphire Community Portal account" link above. June 5th & 6th 2023. Phone: (717)528-4113 (717) 624-4231 Fax: (717) 528-7981Bermudian Springs Middle School Preparing for the Future, Today. She was born and raised in Camp Hill, attended Trinity High School, and received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from James Madison University. Mr. Schoolcafe. Password. Users. 1 miles to Bermudian Springs School District. Mental Health/ Suicide Prevention. Mr. Sapphire Portal. Jorge Cardenas. 67 KB; (Last Modified on July 8, 2022)Sapphire Community Web Portal; Teachers" BAUM, SAMUEL; BEACHY, MICHAEL; CARUSO, KYLA; DANIELSON, SHANNA; DEITZ, MELISSA; DURBIN, MARILEE; DYKSTERHOUSE, OLIVIA;. Sport Physical Information. 12/1/2020. Bermudian Springs Middle School is embarking on an exciting new adventure,.